Tuesday afternoon was my turn to spend with Ridley while Mom and Dad were working. There is a noticeable difference in his size and development every week. He makes the little cooing baby sounds and does the baby bubbles. He is reaching for objects and can hold on to toys and gets them in his mouth. It is fun to watch, and he is so happy, his beautiful smile lights up the room. Speaking of lighting up a room, my camera caused some puzzling looks; it shines a red light before the blinding flash. Poor boy was probably seeing spots. Next Tuesday Jeff is going to sit with Ridley while I get my cast removed. Then I won’t worry about bopping him with the hard, rough cast. And I won't have to deal with it any longer either. Jeff is really looking forward to spending some one on one time with his grandson. They will probably be talking motorcycles.

This weekend is the motorcycle show in Minneapolis. Charlene will be joining us to the show this year. Jeff is quite tickled that Char will be looking at larger bikes that the one she has now. There is a new 900 that he has been checking out on line and it will be at the show. I am going to look at new jackets, but it is hard to try anything on with a cast on my arm. It will be another way to spark spring fever; first the warm February weather and then motorcycles!
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