On Wednesday February 25th the weather allowed Jeff the opportunity to take his bike in for a pre-season tune up. It did feel very spring like, but not enough for me. You will notice that I am not in leather, I followed in the Blazer.

He pulled off the cover and turned the key... it started right up. This wasn't the first time he has started it this year. It ran with out moving the end of January. This is the first trip out of the garage and on the street. It is rather dusty, but he got over it and jumped on the bike and took off down Hwy 36 all of the two miles to the bike shop. He was smiling ear to ear as he turned a few heads as he tooled down the road. Made me smile too just to see how much fun he was having in that short distance.

Jeff asked when the repairs/tune up might be finished by; and when the gentleman said 'the end of March' I thought Jeff's jaw drop off! To make matters even worse the new saddlebags he ordered arrived a few hours after he took the bike in. There isn't anything really wrong with the bike, but Jeff is going to have the handle bars checked to insure they are truly stable after he laid the bike down last fall, and regular maintenance. The service dude is still working on snowmobiles and in light of the pending snow storm, he will be for a little longer. All I heard as we walked out of the door was a low mutter under his breath, "The end of March!?!? What the hell???" I'm sure they will let him visit.
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