Cast Splint
On Tuesday Jeff sat with Ridley while I had the cast removed from my hand. Well here it is …my hand. My wrist and hand are weak after being in the cast for 7 weeks, but I can tell it is improving. I will start therapy on Tue morning. Until then I promised to leave the splint on (except while sitting still watching TV). I have been very well behaved, you can ask Jeff. The doctor said I should be able to use a scissor in about 6 weeks, not too sure about the pruners!
On Wednesday we got together with Vickie, Josh, Ridley and Char to have dinner with Bob to bring in his birthday. We went to Joseph’s because they have pie, but no one had room for pie after eating the big meal.
On Wednesday we got together with Vickie, Josh, Ridley and Char to have dinner with Bob to bring in his birthday. We went to Joseph’s because they have pie, but no one had room for pie after eating the big meal.
I took Goldie to the vet this week because she had been throwing up more than normal. She’s always been a puker, but it was too much. She has lost quite a bit of weight since last years check up. The blood test and x-rays didn’t show anything wrong. We put her on sensitive diet dog food and she seemed to be just fine with that for a few days. However; now she has stopped eating all together. It has been two days and I don’t know what to do, I can’t get her to eat anything.
Jeff’s business is building up steam. The tuning business is picking up and he is now getting more calls from repeat costumers as well and refusals and warranty tunings from Schmitt Music. This week is the Therapist symposium Jeff works at every year so he has been busy making therapeutic spinner boards which he hopes will all sell at the work shops
As a matter of fact Jeff needed to pick up a few things to make the boards so we took a trip to Joann etc. and while he was getting covering material I scored on some very pretty scrapbook paper. We met up with Vickie and Ridley for lunch. It was a pretty good day, and tonight We are just going to hang
out at home and watch an old western.

Good Night Pilgrims.
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