Sunday, May 24, 2009

That Darn Rabbit

There has been a few visitors to our garden and not all of them are welcome. The little furry fellow above is now living several miles out of town and away from my hosta. I'm not sure how many more of his buddy's are around but I'll keep setting the trap to thin out the numbers and meanwhile I'll put chili powder around the plants they seem to like the best. They have eaten the iris and a sedge beside the hosta. There aren't any natural preators on 2nd street, so what can I do?
Our first tree peonies is in bloom. We are waiting for two others to open, a red and a yellow.

Annual planting is coming to an end for another year. It's always a back breaker especially the week before Memorial Day. I still have a few things to do around our place but that's nothing compared to the hundreds of flats our merry little minions got in this past week. There are a few loose ends for this coming week, but the worst is over and life will go back to it's usual hum.


Along with the flowers coming out, so are the shedding dogs. Goldie went in for her spring trim this week. She always acts younger after a hair cut and she looks like a different dog. Willie just needs a good brushing. I know that isn't a very good picture but I don't think she likes having her picture taken.


This morning Jeff and I went to a friends to sit on the lawn, drink coffee and watched the first marathon that ran through Stillwater. There were 2000 runners!, not all did the 26 miles race, but it was quite the race from what I am told. It was rather interesting to see the degree of ability. The three gentleman in the photo were the first of the elite runners. They seem to be very fit and in the head of the pack. We were sitting past the 15 mile mark.

Vickie and Ridley came to hang out for awhile this afternoon. We were joined by Jeffs Dad Bob and Charlene to grill out. The weather was perfect.
Ridley is becoming more mobile. He isn't official crawling yet, but it won't be long. He gets around the room by doing a sort of worm move, cute.

Tomorrow is the last day of a great weekend. We are going to start it off with a ride with Char on the bikes. Jeff is plotting a course to the south east I believe. Should be good weather for riding. That's my cue to go to bed and get some sleep.
So from me and Goldie..... Good night.

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