What? Did I forget someones Birthday? No f*****n way. How could I ever forget Lori Steinerts 38th birthday! Or this one either. Happy Birthday Dear, I love you.

On Saturday Jeff and I took a motorcycle ride into Minneapolis and rode around the lake front parkways. We went by the house Jeff called home for the longest period of his childhood. He pointed out the different points of interest and we noted a few differences and how time has changed things.
Lori in 1982
And Lori's birthday falls within a few sunny days from Fathers Day. The following photo isn't taken on Fathers Day, it was August of 1969 and Lori is sitting on her Great Grandpa Tony Ramminger's lap watching the parade. (Tony was my Grandfather) I just liked the photo. And this a time to remember our Fathers, Grandfathers and Surrogate Fathers and all the good people who take on the roll of 'Dad'. It's a tough jobs sometimes and they are too ofter under appreciated.

Lori Melger (Steinert) and her Great Grandpa Tony Ramminger

Lori Melger (Steinert) and her Great Grandpa Tony Ramminger
Erv Ramminger in California
And here we are back to the more recent past. This Fathers Day we had perfect weather for a little grill out with Brother Bill and Vickie and Ridley.
The Cutler Brothers; Bill and Jeff (the Chef)
Grandpa and Ridley were drawing a space ship and alien with the 3D chalk. I do enjoy a cool 3D drawing. Not really sure who gets more excited at the prospect of playing with the chalk, me or Ridley? Well OK, it's probably me. Ridley does enjoy putting the glasses on himself and others.
On Saturday Jeff and I took a motorcycle ride into Minneapolis and rode around the lake front parkways. We went by the house Jeff called home for the longest period of his childhood. He pointed out the different points of interest and we noted a few differences and how time has changed things.
And Jeff showed me the Washburn Water Tower. Very impressive and oh so cool. Can you imagine opening a window and seeing this?
I am so impressed with the detail and maintenance of the parks in The Twin Cities and surrounding committees. And for the most part they are very well used. We went to the Harriet Lake Rose Garden and the Piece Garden which joins together. There where two wedding about to begin in the gardens.

One of the hundreds of B E A Utiful roses.
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