It is nothing short of amazing to see how Jeff's foot is healing. The pins came out last Thursday and he is working up to weight baring over the next few days. He should be without the crutches by the middle of the week and adjusting to the use of a cane for a couple weeks until he is relieved of the cast. He isn't going to be able to drive until the cast comes off. The shear size of the boot make the operation of the peddles impossible. When he has his socks on (and the boot off) it's difficult to see a difference between the two feet! There are a couple very nice pairs of shoes in the closet that I am sure will fit him now.

Once again the weather is throwing the old snow whammy at the east coast and soon here with a mid-west storm. Jeff got word that Robin and Nora are stocked up and barricaded in. The DC area is getting hit with a couple feet of snow this weekend. There will be a storm blanketing the area with anywhere from 6 to 10 inches by the time it passes through but it isn't as bad as they said it would be; I'm going to wait until it is finished snowing to shovel or blow it depending on what we end up with. We have noticed that the snow falls are becoming regular Monday/Tuesday events and causes camute problems. Really glad we have a snow blower. We had a couple inches last week and most of it was shoveled, but while I had taken Jeff to tunings some very nice neighbor came over and blow the banks back and cleaned it up for me. We sure have some great neighbors.
Hope everyone is warm and out of the snow.
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