April 19, 2009
Now that I am back to work the time goes by so fast. It’s going to take me a couple two or four weeks to get used to doing this everyday again. Fortunately the weather has been great. Right now we are all hoping for some rain. It is so dry we get the hose out and started watering the garden. The shrubs seem so be taking quite a while to get started this spring. There are still a lot of things to do in the garden this spring. I just received some woodland wildflowers that I ordered this winter. Virginia Bluebells, Dutchman’s Breeches (cause you can never have enough Dicentra) and Hardy Primrose. I am going to plant them behind the garage where the photo bench is.
Now that I am back to work the time goes by so fast. It’s going to take me a couple two or four weeks to get used to doing this everyday again. Fortunately the weather has been great. Right now we are all hoping for some rain. It is so dry we get the hose out and started watering the garden. The shrubs seem so be taking quite a while to get started this spring. There are still a lot of things to do in the garden this spring. I just received some woodland wildflowers that I ordered this winter. Virginia Bluebells, Dutchman’s Breeches (cause you can never have enough Dicentra) and Hardy Primrose. I am going to plant them behind the garage where the photo bench is.

We didn’t make a big deal about my birthday this year and that was OK. Jeff and I went out for dinner and everyone knows about my birthday camera. I had my first free camera class this Saturday. I did learn quite a bit. I bought a few accessories like a filter and lens hood. He was really pushing the tripod but I didn’t see why I would want to pay over $40.00 for such a thing. I’ll look around to see what I can find. I have recently learned of a place in Forest Lake, (about 20 miles north of Stillwater) called Anderson Iris Garden. I am planning to go there this spring to take pictures and see what they have to sell in the peonies line.

My hand is doing OK. There are some things that are harder on my hand than other things. I used to like weeding but that is one of the things that is very hard on my thumb. I am trying to give it the six months that the therapist told me it would be, but when I need it to do my job and it hurts, it make for a very long day.

Easter Sunday Jeff made dinner, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, corn, ham with raisin sauce. I don’t know much about raisin sauce, but the Cutler family takes it quite curiously and there can’t be ham without raisin sauce. Bill and Bob (dad) was here as well as Vickie and Josh and their friend (and ours) Laura. Char brought her friend John. Ridley and his parents came right from Josh’s Grandma’s house. It was a long day for them. I did get a Ridley hug and one of his wonderful kisses. Everyone thinks I’m crazy but
I will swear that Ridley gives hugs as he snuggles and kisses as he drawls on my cheek.
This week Ridley got his first tooth. Sorry, no picture yet. I’m sure we’ll see one soon. While I was at the camera class, Jeff went to the Minnesota Zoo with Vickie and Ridley. I believe this was his first trip to the zoo. Jeff said they had a great time. Vickie got a pass to the zoo as a birthday gift.

My hand is doing OK. There are some things that are harder on my hand than other things. I used to like weeding but that is one of the things that is very hard on my thumb. I am trying to give it the six months that the therapist told me it would be, but when I need it to do my job and it hurts, it make for a very long day.

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