It is quite fitting that Mom's birthday is on Thanks Giving day. After all, I wouldn't be very thankful if it wasn't for my Mom and her influence over the years.
I was there in my heart. I thought about everyone being together in the living room; the suspense of who is going to draw your name and what sort of fun game one can make of it. This is Char's first year with the family Holiday traditions, I'm excited for her fun.
Our dinner was great in spite of the fact that we forgot to make the traditional 'Raisin Sauce'. There was more than enough food. We did plan a bit better and there weren't as many left overs as there has been in the past.
We had ham and eggs this morning with home made toast. Yummm.
We remembered the loved ones who weren't able to be with us this year. And the loved ones who we will always keep near us in our hearts.
Laura and Vickie
Ridley and Grandpa Jeff
Jeff and I are going to get the Christmas tree in the stand today to let the branches settle and I will put the lights on either tonight or tomorrow. Char and Vickie are going to come over on Sunday to give us a hand decorating the tree. I really am excited.
So now I am going to run back to the hardware store because I was so discourage that I missed Santa that I grabbed the wrong set of lights on sale.
Have a great weekend.